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Playing golf in St. Lucia/November Golf Digest

tim oliver

St. Lucia Golf Resort & Country Club

St. Lucia Golf Resort & Country Club

Horses keep the rough low!

Horses keep the rough low!


The amazing thing isn't that there are horses grazing on the rough at St. Lucia Golf Resort & Country Club. It's that they always seem to be standing off to the left side of the fairway, about 250 yards out. Call it learned behavior from years of dodging short slices in the opposite direction. A shortage of grazing land makes the borders of the course prime real estate for local ranchers, so they've struck an agreement with the course's management to use their horses to help with grass maintenance—the old-fashioned way. Before the course-construction bubble burst, architects Jack Nicklaus and Greg Norman were in the process of making St. Lucia a premier golf destination, with two new courses. But that never materialized, leaving the Caribbean island with only the par-71, 6,685-yard layout. It's worth a round. Just remember to bring some carrots.